

Parents and Caregivers for Wellness Survey

Parents and Caregivers for Wellness is a group of Parent/Caregiver run organizations from across California who are working together to improve behavioral health services and supports to children and their families. 

Families are the best resource they have to identify the strengths and needs of California’s families. To help them understand what behavioral health services and supports are needed in California, they are asking that you fill out the following survey.  The information you provide will help them develop training and advocacy activities.  


NCI Child Family Surveys

This announcement is intended for Families with Children ages 3 to 18, living at home, and receiving Regional Center services.

You may have recently received a Child Family Survey from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) regarding services you receive from Alta California Regional Center.  At this time, we would like to remind you to please complete and return the surveys at your earliest convenience.  We would love to hear from you!  If you have already returned your completed survey, we thank you for your participation.  If you have not yet received a survey, you may request one by contacting SCDD directly at (714) 558-4421, or by emailing


Clients at Work

ACRC continues to support clients who are working or desire to work.  We recently learned about a video of four ACRC clients who work at SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District).