

Dental Information

Dental hygiene is crucial for individuals with developmental disabilities, as it significantly impacts their overall health and well-being.


Social Recreation Services

From July 1, 2009 until June 30, 2021, regional centers were prohibited by Welfare and Institutions Code section 4648.5 from purchasing camping (or related expenses), social recreation activities, or nonmedical therapies for any client unless the client met the criteria for an exemption. Effective July 1, 2021, regional centers’ authority to purchase those services, was restored; changes to Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Code section 4648.5 restored regional center authority to fund camping services and associated travel expenses; social recreation activities; educational services


Emergency Preparedness

You are the best person to plan for your safety in an emergency or disaster. This means it is important to have emergency preparation plans, knowing who to contact, and creating a personal support network. 


Publications and Brochures

Below you will find links to various publications and brochures that provide information for our clients and families. Updates will be made to this sections as new items become available.


Self-Determination Program

How to Get Started

As of July 1, 2021, the Self-Determination Program (SDP) is available to all eligible regional center consumers who are interested to enroll.

If you have any questions or would like to move forward with SDP please contact your regional center service coordinator.  If you are interested in enrolling in the SDP, you can begin by completing the mandatory orientation. Please review the SDP flyer.


Generic Resources and Natural Supports

ACRC develops an individualized plan for each eligible client that identifies what services and supports will be needed to help meet desired outcomes. This is important to understand because while ACRC is committed to helping clients and/or their family achieve their goals, by law, ACRC must exhaust other funding sources, which are referred to as generic resources and natural supports, prior to paying for any services.  Funding questions can sometimes be complex. Your Service Coordinator will support the client and/or family in navigating these areas. 


Resources and Information for Advance Care Planning

We understand that planning for end of life isn’t something often thought about. But it is important to have a plan in place. Things to consider:

  • Where to receive medical services when nearing end of life
  • How to be cared for
  • To whom or where personal belongings go to
  • Funeral and burial
  • How to be remembered

Additionally, it may be difficult to navigate these conversations. A great place to start is with the Conversation Guide