Events & Calendar

Community Event

Sensory Friendly Pool Party

Join YMCA for a Sensory Friendly Pool Party on Sunday, March 30 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm! The event is a swimming experience designed for individuals with sensory sensitivities and will provide a calm environment with reduced noise and controlled lighting. 

Supportive staff will be in and out of the water to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Registration is required.

Community Event

Minority Health Month Wellness Fair

Anthem and Sacramento Juneteenth, Inc. have partnered with each other to implement Sacramento’s 1st Annual Minority Health Month Wellness Fair on Saturday, April 19 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Sacramento’s cultural communities are invited to share the health issues affecting their culture. Each culture will be represented through speaking sessions, dance or traditional displays.

Community Event

Child and Family Resource Fair

Families are welcome to join Placer County and their partners for a resource fair on Wednesday, April 23 from 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm! Learn about resources available, enjoy free food and hygiene products (whiles supplies last), and participate in a raffle. Ver el folleto en español.

Alta California Regional Center will host a table at the event. 

Address: Maidu Community Center
1550 Maidu Dr., Roseville, CA 95661



Community Meeting

Join Alta California Regional Center for our Community Meeting taking place on a quarterly basis! These meetings are open to clients, families, and the community at large as an opportunity to learn about regional center activities and initiatives, as well as to provide an opportunity for public input. 

Registration not required. Join the meeting by clicking this link


Stigma and Bias in the Healthcare System

What can we do about it?

Stigma and bias are rooted in societal norms and attitudes that are frequently communicated on a personal level. Recognizing that effective healthcare often relies on our personal relationship with our patients and clients, acknowledging and correcting stigma is an essential step in supporting the growth and health of not only those patients and clients but also ourselves.


National Core Indicators In-Person Survey

Adults (18+) may be invited to participate in the National Core Indicators (NCI) In-Person Survey. This survey is held throughout California for clients of the 21 regional centers. The purpose of the survey is to give clients an opportunity to evaluate the services and supports they receive through the regional centers and service providers. The results of the survey will help California and regional centers establish goals and make changes. 

The survey will address topics like:

Alta Sponsored Event

Self-Determination Advisory Committee Meeting

The Self-Determination Advisory Committee (SDAC) plays an important role in the implementation and oversight of the Self Determination Program. Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) and the SDAC work collaboratively to prioritize the use of implementation funds to meet the needs of participants in our catchment area. SDAC membership is comprised of clients, family members and community members appointed by ACRC and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities.


REACh Sunrise Support Groups

Resources, Education, and Advocacy for Children

REACh sponsors support groups for families of children with special needs. Their support groups are designed to help families connect with other caregivers in similar situations. Families with children of all ages and abilities are welcome. 


Coffee with Community Services

Service Providers are welcome to join us every Friday from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm for Coffee with Community Services!

Join the meeting with this link
Meeting number: 852 1101 1300
Passcode: 649515

Join by phone
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