

Resources for ALL Californians

California is home to individuals and families who are US citizens, refugees, immigrants with and without documentation, or with temporary visas for education or employment. All Californians are entitled to services to support people with developmental and intellectual disabilities under California’s Lanterman Act, after their eligibility is established by a nonprofit regional center and the use of other possible help has been completely explored. As of February 2025, the use of these services usually does not interfere with the immigration status of non-citizen participants.


Client and Family Satisfaction Survey

Alta California Regional Center sent out 25,980 surveys to clients and families to analyze client satisfaction. Each survey has a unique number, so it can be completed only once, and all surveys are tracked and safely stored. 

Understanding different relationships helps us see how clients, parents, legal representatives, and support staff feel about our services. Each group has different needs. 

Please review the analyzed data from the results of the survey


American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funded Early Start Pilot Project

Final Evaluation Report

In response to the significant impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on the special needs system of care, Section 2014 (a) of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 provided supplemental grant funds for early intervention services for infants and toddlers under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) – the entity that implements Part C through the regional center service delivery system – received one-time funding for Early Start.


Survey for Families with Children Ages 3-11

The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) through its contract with WestEd, will launch a series of family surveys aimed to gather and understand the transition and inclusion experiences of children ages 3-11 years old who receive regional center services. The information gathered from the surveys will assist DDS in identifying priorities for promoting a smoother transition process for young and pre-adolescent children and enhancing access to inclusive opportunities across different settings.


Alta Connections

Quarterly Newsletter


The Sacramento office is moving!

Alta California Regional Center is happy to announce the relocation of our Sacramento headquarters. We are excited to welcome our staff and our community to our future location coming March 3, 2025

The new Sacramento Office address will be 4151 E Commerce Way, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95834. For now, please note that the Sacramento office is still 2241 Harvard St., Sacramento, CA 95815 until March 3, 2025.



Seeking Youth Ages 12 - 26

The EMPOWER Study is designed for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities between 12 and 26 years of age and their caregivers. The research study is available in English and Spanish to families who live in the United States. Help them learn more about healthcare transition in youth with disabilities by participating in the EMPOWER Research Study!

What will participants do?


Help Us Improve the MIND Institute Transition to Adulthood Program!

The UC Davis MIND Institute recently established a new clinic to support youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities as they transition from pediatric to adult health care and take steps towards thriving as adults in the community.

Your participation in our survey (available in English and Spanish) would be greatly appreciated as we strive to tailor the clinic’s services to better meet the needs of our patients, families, and communities.

To participate:


Adult Transition Graduation

On June 8, 2023, Alta California Regional Center had the pleasure of participating in the Adult Transition Graduation for Sacramento City Unified School District. You can watch a video featuring photos of the event via YouTube.


California Department of Public Health Updated COVID-19 Guidance

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has updated their COVID-19 guidance on vaccines, testing, and treatments. On March 3, 2023, the CDPH announced updates to several state public health officer orders. The updates to the orders are related to vaccination, masking, isolation, and quarantine and will take effect in the coming days and weeks.

Please note that there remains to be vaccines, testing and treatments at low or no cost to everyone.


New COVID Vaccine Booster

There is a new COVID Booster that is available to all; Bivalent Booster.

The FDA authorized bivalent formulations of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines for use as a single booster dose at least two months after completing primary or booster vaccination.


Budget Deal

Recently, the Legislature approved a Budget deal that includes many critical funding changes that will help our service system. Among other things, their proposal would end family fees, reform the way regional centers are funded, and speed up rate reform for service providers.

Now the final negotiations are underway with the Governor. It’s guaranteed that not every proposal will be in the final Budget that gets signed into law.


Budget Proposals – We need your help!

Key leaders in the Legislature announced a Budget deal that includes many important funding changes that will help our service system! Their proposal would end family fees, reform the way regional centers are funded, and speed up rate reform for service providers! We are as close as we have ever been to realizing an update in the core staffing formula. We need this update in an effort to meet the staffing ratio requirements.


Assembly Bill 2378

Three people stand next to each other, smiling at the camera. On the far left, a man wearing a burgundy polo and glasses holds a cane and papers in one hand. On the far right, a man wearing a gray suit and blue striped tie holds a paper in one hand. In the middle, a woman wearing a navy t-shirt and khaki blazer has her arms on either side of the men.On Monday, April 25, 2022, David Lopez, Client Advocate, represented Alta California Regional Center to deliver a testimonial in support of Assembly Bill 2378, authored by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, which is designed to provide tax credits to businesses that hire people with disabilities and seeks to secure and sustain quality job opportunities for individuals with disabilities.


Medi-Cal Continuous Coverage Requirement

In January 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. Special rules were put in place during the COVID-19 PHE to allow more people to get access to and keep their Medi-Cal benefits. When the continuous coverage requirement expires at the end of the PHE, California will need to conduct a full redetermination for all beneficiaries.