Alta California Regional Center’s Board of Directors receives
input from a variety of important subcommittees, one of which is
the Provider Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC is comprised of
service providers contracted with Alta from ACRC’s ten-county
The Provider Advisory Committee shall provide advice, guidance,
recommendations, and technical assistance to the regional center
board in order to assist the regional center in carrying out its
mandated functions.
The Provider Advisory Committee shall consist of a minimum of
five and a maximum of twenty-five members approved by the Board
of Directors to reflect the geographical distribution and
diversified representation of providers of purchased
Here you can access the Provider Advisory Committee 2024-25 FY Meeting Schedule.
The PAC meets on the second Thursday of the month (except for
August & December) from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 244 544 507 539
Passcode: oKMLPU
Join by phone: (332) 249-0728
Phone Conference ID: 627 403 357#
ACRC Provider Advisory Committee Outreach Letter