Additional Resources Intellectual Disabilities
AAIDD (formerly AAMR) promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Autism Society of America An excellent resource for generic information on autism
Autism Speaks dental guide and video - Provides tips for improving oral hygiene at home, as well as information about how parents and dental professionals can make a visit to the dentist’s office less stressful and more productive.
The Arc This website holds information about the Arc and it’s Chapters.
Association of Regional Centers (ARCA) represents twenty-one (21) regional centers in California.
Bethesda Institute Information to raise the level of excellence in services to people with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities.
California Code of Regulations – Title 17 Search
California Department of Education, Special Education Division Information and resources to serve the unique needs of persons with disabilities so that each person will meet or exceed high standards of achievement in academic and nonacademic skills.
California Medical Board On this web-site you will find information on health laws and regulations, recent health publications on special topics, a physician survey and license look up, a list of physicians on probation, information on how to chose a doctor, how to file a complaint against a health professional, other important public health information, and links to other useful health sites.
Council for Exceptional Children International professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted.
California Department of Rehabilitation The California Department of Rehabilitation works in partnership with clients and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living and equality for individuals with disabilities.
California Department of Social Services
California Department of Mental Health
California Association of Health Facilities
California Department of Public Health
California Residential Services Association (CRSA) CRSA represents providers of residential service to children, adults and seniors, especially those who are caring for persons with developmental disabilities.
Developmental Disabilities Resource for Healthcare Providers Educating physicians and other healthcare providers about caring for persons with developmental disabilities, and to provide individuals and families support in making informed health care decisions.
Americans with Disabilities Act homepage Information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA).
California Department of Developmental Services DDS is the agency through which the State of California provides services and supports to children and adults with developmental disabilities.
A Client’s Guide to the Lanterman Act
Lanterman Act Appeal Procedure
Developmental Disabilities Sites of the States ( An unofficial guide to State Developmental Disabilities Agency sites.
Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California The regional representative of the Epilepsy Foundation.
Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT) A non-profit organization of parents, educators, and other professionals dedicated to providing world-class Education, Advocacy and Support for the Northern California Autism Community
Family SOUP Is a family resource center dedicated to supporting, encouraging and providing information and facilitated referral to families with children with special needs.
George F. Kelso Library A resource library offering information on all aspects of developmental disabilities for parents, professionals, clients and the community. Located at Alta California Regional Center.
Internet Special Education Resources (ISER) a nationwide directory of professionals, organizations, and schools that serve the learning disabilities and special education communities.
Legal Services of Northern California Disability Law Resources.
Locate Your Legislator A quick way to find the Senator and Assembly member who represents you.
Mental Health Services Discusses the mission and goals of the service. It also disscusses issues related to public health,mental health and other health related issues.
M.I.N.D. Institute at UCD Medical Center this is an international, multidisciplinary research organization, committed to excellence, collaboration and hope, striving to understand the causes and develop better treatments and ultimately cures for neurodevelopmental disorders.
National Down Syndrome Society An internet Resource about Down Syndrome
Network of Care Created with a California Department of Aging innovation grant. The project is part of a broad effort by our county to improve and better coordinate long-term care services locally.
National Dissemination Center
for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) information on
disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth, IDEA,
which is the law authorizing special education, No Child Left
Behind (as it relates to children with disabilities),
research-based information on effective educational practices.
Office of Clients Rights Advocacy (OCRA) A statewide office run by Disability Rights California (formerly Protection & Advocacy, Inc.), through a contract with the California Department of Developmental Services. OCRA employs a Clients’ Rights Advocate (CRA) at each regional center. A short biography and contact information for each Advocate is presented on this web site.
Ombudsman – California Comission on Aging
Parents Helping Parents Family resource center that benefits children with special needs. PHP provides a wide range of services to help parents better understand, support and advocate for their children in special education programs.
PediaNet Magazine for parents and families of children with disabilities, and the professionals who work with them.
People First of California Self-Advocates Training Self-Advocates. Their mission is to serve all people with developmental challenges throughout California, primarily through People First members and chapters.
Project Teams The purpose of the Project TEAMS website is to provide students, parents and educators with a central location for resources addressing Transition, Employment, Advocacy, Mentoring, and Self-Determination.
Disability Rights California Disability advocacy agency that protects and advocates for the rights of individuals with disabilities security.
Shriners Hospital A hospital for orthopedic and burn care patients
Social Security Disability Information
Social Security Administration
Speech To Speech Telephone access for people with speech disabilities. Contact Katherine Keller at to place you on the STS List Serve
Supported Life Institute Educational and training opportunities to assist individuals and organizations in the work of improving the quality of life for people with disabilities..
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is the leading source of information on cerebral palsy.
Warmline Family Resource center A Facility offering generic supports and services. Family Resource Center
Wrightslaw Information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.