ACRC Strategic Plan

2022 - 2025


To Our ACRC Family,

Community inclusion and engagement is the hallmark of Alta California Regional Center. Thank you to all that participated in creating this three-and-a-half-year strategic plan. Your input from the client & family survey, as well as your participation in various meetings throughout the year, has helped to create this plan.
The Strategic Plan includes the following four Strategic Focus Areas:

Client and Family Supports – feedback from clients and families emphasized the importance of greater flexibility and person-centered services when supporting individuals who reside in home settings. Providing linkage to available community resources was also highlighted.

Employment – this remains a top priority for California as well as for our regional center.  Clients want to work and to contribute in meaningful ways.  They want opportunities to plan and prepare for employment while in school and they are looking to our regional center to create those possibilities.

Housing and Living Options – identifying different kinds of housing and living options that people can  afford that are accessible and in communities where people want to live. In addition, developing innovative measures to address workforce shortages.

Community Inclusion and Engagement – our community shared the importance of inclusion and engagement and what that means to them.  Having access to regional center information in their preferred language is critical to supporting choice and opportunities.  Enhancing outreach efforts in the communities where people frequent creates visibility and builds trust.  Creating intentional and meaningful connections across our catchment area will expand our service foot print.

The ACRC Board of Directors and staff are pleased to present our Strategic Performance Plan.  We thank our community for their commitment to the planning process and for providing vital input that helped to shape the framework of this plan.

ACRC Strategic Plan 2022-2025

July 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 (first six months) Report:

ACRC Strategic Plan End of Year Report - 2022 (six months)

January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 Report:

ACRC Strategic Plan End of Year Report - 2023