Caseload Ratios
Seeking Community Input
Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) is seeking your input about our caseload ratios. A caseload ratio measures the number of clients assigned to one Service Coordinator. ACRC’s caseload ratios have been too high in some areas. This means, in some cases, too many clients are sharing a single Service Coordinator.
Of the six caseload ratio categories, ACRC met the ratio in three categories:
- Clients who are Movers within the last 12 months. A ratio of 1:21 was reported and the required ratio is 1:45.
- Clients who have Complex needs. A ratio of 1:21 was reported and the required ratio is 1:25.
- Clients who have Low to No POS. A ratio of 1:32 was reported and the required ratio is 1:40.
ACRC did not meet the ratio in the three caseload categories below:
- Clients enrolled on the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver. A ratio of 1:75 was reported, and the required ratio is 1:62.
- Clients under six years of age. A ratio of 1:52 was reported and the required ratio is 1:40.
- Clients over 5 years of age, non-waiver, non-mover. A ratio of 1:73 was reported, and the required ratio is 1:66.
The image below shows data as of March 1, 2024:
Welfare and Institutions Code 4640.6(f) requires the regional center to submit a plan of correction when caseload ratios are not met for two consecutive reporting periods.
We need and want your input about ways to reduce caseload ratios and have a dedicated email address: to receive your ideas. The last day for community input is June 3, 2024.