Help Us Improve the MIND Institute Transition to Adulthood Program!


The UC Davis MIND Institute recently established a new clinic to support youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities as they transition from pediatric to adult health care and take steps towards thriving as adults in the community.

Your participation in our survey (available in English and Spanish) would be greatly appreciated as we strive to tailor the clinic’s services to better meet the needs of our patients, families, and communities.

To participate:

  1. Do you identify as a parent or caregiver of an adolescent/young adult with a neurodevelopmental disability between the ages of 15 to 26?
  2. If yes, please help us better serve our young adult patients by filling out our survey through this link:

The survey will take about 20 minutes of your time. All responses will remain anonymous, and your involvement is entirely voluntary. You have the freedom to decline participation or discontinue your involvement at any point during the survey. The de-identified data will also contribute to expanding the current understanding of pediatric to adult transition programs­­.

If you have any questions about this research, please feel free to contact the investigator at