
Family Home Agency Provider


Janica began working as a Family Home Agency (FHA) provider in 2015, after her mother’s friend suggested that she go to Enriching Lives and explore becoming a provider. FHA providers offer flexible living options for 1-2 individuals with developmental disabilities. They assist in the care, medical needs, basic life needs of the client and offer up their home for the client to actively be a part of. Janica immediately adjusted to this new way of life as a Family Home Agency provider.

In 2015, she received her first client, Jordan. It was important to learn his wants and needs and to make sure Jordan felt at ease and comforted in his new living situation. Janica was happy to do that and decided to take on a second client in 2018, Keenan.

At first, there was an adjustment period with Jordan and Keenan learning how to live together when both need their own unique support. But it was a smooth transition, and now they all live happily together, sharing a home and memories.

Some of Jordan and Keenan’s favorite activities include window shopping, shopping for new snacks to enjoy, and hanging out in their backyard. They also attend a day program to keep them engaged in community activities. Some of Janica’s favorite moments with the two is taking them to a new place they haven’t been and seeing their faces light up in amazement. For instance, when Jordan and Keenan saw Lake Tahoe for the first time, their faces glowed with happiness as they played in the water and took in the sunshine.

Not only does Janica act as their caretaker, but she is also their advocate. When they needed to find a new doctor to care for Jordan and Keenan, she was vocal about their needs so the doctor could best understand them and their healthcare needs. Because of her consistent advocacy, they found a doctor who is knowledgeable, helpful and listens to their needs and it has inspired Jordan and Keenan to be more vocal about their care.

Janica is very proud that she can be a Family Home Agency Provider and hopes to inform people not to feel daunted about the difficulties. She feels fulfilled in her role and wants to inspire others to do the same. The best experience she has received as an FHA provider is watching Jordan and Keenan grow into more confident people.