Video editor
Kelley is a 24 year old woman who lives in Rocklin. She has been attending VTE/Futures Explored Practical Film and Media Workshop, and has done exceptionally well. The program staff has praised her editing skills. The staff says that she is professional, adaptable, works well with her peers and is a joy to watch in class. Because of her video editing skills, she has been asked to participate in paid projects and internships in the community. She has assisted to edit Doug Brauner’s Car Czar TV Show and other special productions. She is also one of 5 people highlighted in a documentary called “Lights Camera Independence”. She also worked on a promo piece for the Down Syndrome Connection where she edited parent interviews. Her career goal is to be employed as a video editor. Due to her special talents, this year, she was hired as an employee of VTE as an assistant editor! Way to go Kelley!