Let Your Voice Be Heard

Participate in the National Core Indicators Family Surveys


Don’t forget to participate in the National Core Indicators (NCI) Family Surveys until June 2024 (ver el folleto en español)! These surveys evaluate the services and supports you and your family member receive through your regional center and service providers. The surveys address topics like:

  • Rights
  • Choices
  • Service Planning
  • Community Inclusion
  • Health and Safety
  • and other important topics

You will receive one of the three NCI surveys based on whether your family member with I/DD is: a child living in the family home, an adult living in the family home, or an adult living outside the family home. Answering the surveys tells your regional center and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) what you think about your services. Participating helps the regional center and DDS understand how services impact you, your family, and loved ones.

Surveys are mailed directly to you from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD). You can fill out the survey on paper and mail it in (postage is already paid) or use the code in your letter to fill out the survey online.

If you have questions, email QAproject@SCDD.ca.gov or NCIhelp@dds.ca.gov.

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