Let’s Work!

Employment Workshop


Join us* for a series of employment workshops for individuals with intellectual and developmental  disabilities. Learn about the Department of Rehabilitation and available services to help you prepare for and secure a job! The workshop will be offered in English with simultaneous Spanish, ASL translation and Closed Captioning. If you need a reasonable accommodation to attend this event (such as a sign language interpreter, captioning, or materials in braille, large print, etc.) please contact Peter Mendoza at Peter.Mendoza@scdd.ca.gov or by phone at (916) 670-0470. Reasonable accommodation requests are due 10 days prior, although we will attempt to provide accommodations requested after that time, it is not guaranteed.

Register here

Acompáñenos para una serie de talleres sobre el empleo para personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo. Aprenda sobre el Departamento de Rehabilitación y servicios disponibles para ayudarle a prepararse para un empleo seguro. El taller se ofrecerá en ingles con interpretación en español, en ASL y con subtítulos. Si necesita una adaptación razonable para asistir a este evento (como un intérprete de lenguaje de señas, subtítulos o materiales en braille, letra grande, etc.), comuníquese con Peter Mendoza a Peter.Mendoza@scdd.ca.gov o por teléfono al (916) 670-0470. Las solicitudes de adaptaciones razonables deben presentarse 10 días antes del evento, aunque intentaremos proporcionar las adaptaciones solicitadas después de ese tiempo, no está garantizado.

Regístrese aquí

*A collaboration between Department of Rehabilitation, Far Northern Regional Center, Alta California Regional Center, the North State and Sacramento Regional Offices of the State Council on Developmental Disabilities.