Submitting a Public Comment

For the Self-Determination Advisory Committee


If you would like to submit a public comment for the next SDAC meeting, email Prior to submitting a comment, please be advised:

  • Any submitted public input will be attached to the next SDAC agenda item as submitted public comment.
  • You do not need to provide your name or identifying information to submit public comment, but you may do so if you want to.
  • Please think carefully about submitting personal health information about yourself to the public. You have a right to keep your personal information private.
  • The SDAC is particularly interested in public input that can help us and ACRC to identify ways to make the Self-Determination process smoother, faster, more understandable, and less burdensome for families and ACRC staff. The input that you can provide about the process, especially if it’s detailed enough for all of us to understand what the issue was that you encountered, will be most helpful.
  • Input about what is working well is equally helpful! If you have experienced an improvement that was really helpful, let us know!
  • If you’d like to see a change or additional information added to ACRC’s Self Determination website, let us know.
  • Thanks in advance for sharing your experience. Emails sent to this address will be forwarded to members of the SDAC Committee. You will not receive a response from the SDAC Committee. Public comments will be shared as an attachment to the SDAC Agenda.

Email box will be monitored on a weekly basis. If you have an urgent matter requiring follow up, please call 916-978-6653.