Service Coordinator
Tiffany’s path as Service Coordinator
at Alta California Regional Center wasn’t direct but was fated
after her son was diagnosed with autism. She attended California
State University, Sacramento and received a Bachelor’s in English
Literature. After Tiffany had her son, Sam, he was diagnosed with
autism at three years old and was nonverbal, and they struggled
to get help for the things they needed. Tiffany sought the help
of Lucee Phan, Service Coordinator, and Jennifer Bloom, the now
Director of Client Services, and received so much help. Lucee
helped them receive respite services, which has provided Sam’s
parents a break from his care so they can come back to him
refreshed and ready. Sam received ABA services and transitioned
to preschool and Tiffany attributes his current success to the
help he received then and is immensely grateful for the progress
he has made.
Sam is now a chatty child and enjoys singing and actively sharing his needs. He is in Special Education classes and receives awards for academic intelligence. Recently, they discovered his interest in music through music therapy. His instructors brag that he can hold perfect pitch, keep a beat, and makes up his own songs, surpassing everyone’s expectations. Originally, they worried he would not enjoy music therapy because he has aversions to loud sounds, but being immersed in a creative world of music has allowed him to flourish and get accustomed to the loud sounds around him.
Tiffany remembers how scared and overwhelmed she was when Sam first got diagnosed. She valued having someone she could trust, and she wanted to be that person for others going through a similar situation. Because of Sam and the help they received from their Service Coordinator, Tiffany decided to apply to become a Service Coordinator for Alta California Regional Center.
Her favorite part of the job is meeting with families and helping them through advice, encouragement, and connecting them with services. Since she works with children, Tiffany gets excited to see the progress they make from the first time she meets them to a year later. Her goal as a Service Coordinator is continuing to be the best she can be for the families she works with.