
Supporting  you
throughout your journey.

Services for You

What's Happening

Customer Service


Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) is dedicated to helping you access the services and supports you need.

Step 1:  Call your Service Coordinator (SC).

Step 2:  Call your SC’s manager (Client Services Manager).   Your SC’s Manager’s name and phone number is listed at the bottom of your SC’s email signature line.

Step 3:  Call one of ACRC’s Directors of Client Services:  Jennifer Bloom @ (916) 978-6572 or Mechelle Johnson @ (916) 978-6653

National Core Indicators In-Person Survey


Adults (18+) may be invited to participate in the National Core Indicators (NCI) In-Person Survey. This survey is held throughout California for clients of the 21 regional centers. The purpose of the survey is to give clients an opportunity to evaluate the services and supports they receive through the regional centers and service providers. The results of the survey will help California and regional centers establish goals and make changes. 

The survey will address topics like:

Client and Family Satisfaction Survey


Alta California Regional Center sent out 25,980 surveys to clients and families to analyze client satisfaction. Each survey has a unique number, so it can be completed only once, and all surveys are tracked and safely stored. 

Understanding different relationships helps us see how clients, parents, legal representatives, and support staff feel about our services. Each group has different needs. 

Please review the analyzed data from the results of the survey

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funded Early Start Pilot Project


In response to the significant impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on the special needs system of care, Section 2014 (a) of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 provided supplemental grant funds for early intervention services for infants and toddlers under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) – the entity that implements Part C through the regional center service delivery system – received one-time funding for Early Start.

Early Start Family Outcomes Survey


If you are a parent/caregiver and receive(d) an Early Start Family Outcomes Survey please fill it out.  For more information please review the Family Outcomes Survey flyer - English or Family Outcomes Survey flyer - Spanish.

Draft Delegated Conservatorship Policy


Alta California Regional Center is seeking input on the Draft Delegated Conservatorship Policy.

Plese feel free to share any feedback with Lisa West at: Lwest@altaregional.org.

Psychologists for Evaluations


Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) is currently recruiting licensed psychologists to provide psychological evaluations to existing clients and applicants for eligibility determination purposes. Vendored psychologists of ACRC complete evaluations with children and/or adults to consider diagnoses of intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as part of the ACRC eligibility process. In addition to standardized measures, evaluations include a review of records, obtaining pertinent history, and a consideration of differential diagnoses.

ACRC Strategic Plan


To Our ACRC Family,

Community inclusion and engagement is the hallmark of Alta California Regional Center. Thank you to all that participated in creating this three-and-a-half-year strategic plan. Your input from the client & family survey, as well as your participation in various meetings throughout the year, has helped to create this plan.
The Strategic Plan includes the following four Strategic Focus Areas:

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Making a Difference

34,000+ Clients Served

10 Counties Served

700+ ACRC Employees

2000+ Service Providers