


For Clients or Applicants Age 3 and Older

The Lanterman Appeals Process is for resolving disputes with a regional or developmental center about eligibility or the nature, scope, or amount of services and supports. This process is not to be used by consumers to resolve issues related to denials of rights.


Community Resource Development Plan – Development Priorities

for Fiscal Year 2023-2024

The 2017 Budget Trailer Bill, Assembly Bill 107, amended WIC Section 4418.25 and added WIC Section 4679, authorizing the Department of Developmental Services – when it determines that sufficient funding has been appropriated and reserved for a fiscal year for purposes of the Community Placement Plan (CPP)  – to allocate the remaining CPP funds to regional centers for purposes of community resource development to address services and supports needs of consumers living in the community.  


Conflict of Interest Policy

Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) has a Conflict of Interest Policy to assure that employees and members of the Board of Directors avoid any conflict of interest. Laws governing the regional centers require that any potential or present conflict of interest that cannot be eliminated must be submitted to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) with a plan that proposes mitigation measures. The DDS must follow a process as stipulated in Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations to review and approve proposed mitigation measures.


Home and Community Based Services Final Rule and Waiver Review

What are Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)?

Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) are services and supports provided in home and community-based settings, with the intent of diverting or transitioning individuals from institutional settings into their homes and community. ACRC-vendored providers of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) are subject to these changes in regulation. New ACRC vendorizations and service providers contracted through the Self Determination Program (SDP) are expected to be in compliance upon initiation of services.


Request for Proposal Policy (RFP)

Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) desires to develop resources to serve its clients. All funds utilized for the development or start-up of services and supports must be necessary for the establishment of new resources for the direct benefit of ACRC clients. It is the policy of ACRC to require a Request for Proposal (RFP) for all development of resources with an estimated annual expenditure in excess of $250,000 as well as for any project where Start-Up Funds will be provided by ACRC.


Whistleblower Policy

The Whistleblower Policy is intended to provide Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) employees, board members, service providers, contractors, individuals served and their families and other partners and friends with guidance and structure for reporting any perceived improper regional center activity and/or any perceived improper ACRC/contractor activity, without fear of retaliation. ACRC welcomes reports of reasonable suspicions, concerns or evidence of illegal, unethical or inappropriate activity so long as such reporting is in good faith.


Zero Tolerance Policy

Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) has a Zero Tolerance Policy for client abuse or neglect. The health, safety, and security of all ACRC clients is a top priority for ACRC and client abuse committed by ACRC employees or employees of service providers or long-term care facilities will not be tolerated. All such abuse or allegations of such abuse will be thoroughly investigated. Any ACRC employee found to have engaged in abuse against a client will be subject to severe discipline, up to and including discharge.