Disabled Passenger Discount with Amtrak
offers a 15% rail fare discount to adult passengers with a
disability. Child passengers with a disability are eligible for
the everyday 50% child discount plus an additional 10% off the
discounted child’s fare, regardless of the service on which they
travel. Amtrak also offers a 15% discount for persons traveling
with a passenger with a disability as a companion. Those
designated as companions must be 18 years of age or older. Just
select ‘Passenger with Disability’ or ‘Companion’ for each
passenger as appropriate in Fare Finder at the beginning of your
search and to receive the applicable discounts. You must
provide written documentation of your disability at the ticket
counter and when boarding the train. Enter Code
Acceptable Documentation Includes:
- Transit system ID card for persons with a disability
- Membership card from a disability organization
- Letter from a physician
- Medicare card, if under 65
- Veteran’s Administration ID with “Service Connected”
- Disabled/Accessible parking placard issued by a state Department of Motor Vehicle (photocopy is acceptable).