Community Navigator Program
Do you have a child who was recently diagnosed with a disability? Are you looking for guidance and support from someone who understands what you are going through as you advocate for your child? Consider participating in the Warmline Family Resource Center Community Navigator Program (CNP), where you will connect with a Community Navigator who has personal experience caring for someone with a disability and who has been trained to provide the support you need.
Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment
Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment (SUPT) is thrilled to share three groundbreaking projects designed to inspire, connect, and create change in Sacramento County. Discover the possibilities, help educate the community and take action.
Mental Health Guide for Caregivers of Family Members with Disabilities
Author: Marisa Crane
Caring for a family member with a disability can be deeply rewarding, but also mentally and emotionally challenging. Prioritizing your own mental health is essential to provide the best possible care and maintain your well-being. This guide provides strategies and resources to help caregivers manage stress, prevent burnout, and care for their mental health.
Mental Health Guide for Caregivers of Family Members with Disabilities
Access Leisure
The mission of Access Leisure is to optimize quality of life and provide enhanced life experience to people with disabilities through accessible recreation programs and services. Programs include a variety of recreational and competitive sports, social and leisure functions, and outdoor educational, and residential and day camping adventures.
Access Leisure hosts a variety of events for:
Sacramento Children’s Museum
Discounted Rate for Families with an EBT Card
Sacramento Children’s Museum is proud to join Museums for All, a nationwide access program to remove barriers for underserved families who want to enjoy the museum’s exhibits and programming.
Sacramento Employment and Training Agency
Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA) is a public agency that focuses on impactful programs that meet people where they are and help them get to where they want to be—in work and in life. They create opportunity for workers, employers, and students through Sacramento Works. SETA helps children and their parents access the education, health, and nutrition services with Head Start.
Disabled Passenger Discount with Amtrak
offers a 15% rail fare discount to adult passengers with a
disability. Child passengers with a disability are eligible for
the everyday 50% child discount plus an additional 10% off the
discounted child’s fare, regardless of the service on which they
travel. Amtrak also offers a 15% discount for persons traveling
with a passenger with a disability as a companion. Those
designated as companions must be 18 years of age or older.
Community Resource Project
Community Resource Project, Inc. (CRP) is a non-profit 501 c (3) organization based in Sacramento. CRP was a progressive organization founded in 1972 by three Latino community leaders that provided much-needed services to the low-income communities of the Sacramento region. The agency originally offered employment training to men and women exiting the correctional system but quickly recognized the changing needs of the community. In response, CRP’s mission evolved to focus on Energy, Health, and Education.
Street Sheet
Street Sheet is a resource with regional information that would be useful to anyone experiencing homelessness, housing insecurity, or hunger. It is intended for individuals who are either homeless or may be threatened with homelessness in need of food, clothing, legal or medical assistance and counseling services.
Access the pamphlet in multiple languages:
Mental Health Resources
Did you know that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) are at greater risk of developing a mental health disorder than neurotypical individuals? In fact, some estimate that up to 70% of people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder also have a mental health condition. Anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, Attention-Deficit-Disorder and more can impact individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities just as they can anyone else.
Tips for Mental and Physical Well-being
The Department of Developmental Services has a Wellness Toolkit that they periodically add information to. Additionally, taking care of yourself mentally and physically is important to maintain your well-being. Applying these tips can help you live better:
Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento Public Library gives you free access to books, materials, digital media, learning resources, Wi-Fi and more.
Borrow up to 60 items:
- Books, board games, video games, DVDs and more
- Borrow most items for up to 3 weeks, no late fines
- Renew online, in-person or by phone
- Borrow and return items to any of our 28 locations
There is even more the Sacramento Public Library system offers!
California State Library Parks Pass
You can now check out a FREE vehicle day-use pass at your local public library.
In partnership with the First Partner’s Office and the California State Library, State Parks is providing free vehicle day-use entry to over 200 participating state park units operated by State Parks to library-card holders. The California State Library Parks Pass is valid for entry of one passenger vehicle with capacity of nine people or less or one highway licensed motorcycle.
Caregiver Action Network
Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age. CAN serves a broad spectrum of family caregivers. They have a community page on their website, helpful tips, and many resources available.
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services
The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) represents the nation’s agencies in 50 states and the District of Columbia providing services to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. NASDDDS promotes visionary leadership, systems innovation, and the development of national policies that support home and community-based services for individuals with disabilities and their families.
The Basics and Other Information
In Medi-Cal Basics you will learn:
- background information on Medi-Cal
- eligibility basics
- programs for persons with disabilities
- services
- and other health coverage
Medi-Cal Health Coverage for Children:
CalFresh Food Benefits
Do you receive SSI? Beginning June 1, 2019 SSI recipients may be eligible for CalFresh food benefits. CalFresh is California’s food stamps (SNAP) program that can help households buy healthy foods. There is NO CHANGE or reduction to SSI/SSP amounts. To learn more, click the attached documents below.
Your Service Coordinator will discuss this benefit at your next annual meeting. To apply please click here.
Our Sexuality, Our Health
A Disabled Advocate's guide to Relationships, Romance, Sexuality and Sexual Health
Published by the Office of Developmental Primary Care, University of California, San Francisco dedicated to improving outcomes for people with developmental disabilities.