Supported Decision Making
Supported Decision Making (SDM) is a process that allows adults with disabilities to make choices about their own lives with support from a team of people they choose. Individuals with developmental disabilities choose people they know and trust to be part of a support network to help with decision-making.
You can check out a Supported Decision Making Agreement - Blank
You can access client and family trainings on SDM in multiple languages:
General Overview of Alta California Regional Center
Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) is a private non-profit corporation working under contract with the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to assist people with developmental disabilities, children at risk of developing a developmental disability and their families, to achieve healthy and productive lives in their own community.
ACRC is the one agency in the community through which people with qualifying conditions, and their families, are assisted to make use of essential public and private services to meet their unique needs.
Early Intervention
Babies learn and grow at their own rate. Some babies need a little extra help. Since babies grow and learn quickly, it is important to get extra help as early as possible if you or your baby’s doctor have any concerns about your baby’s development.
The Early Start Program at Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) provides supports and services for babies and their families so that families can help their child learn during everyday activities and routines. This is called early intervention. Learn more with this educational brochure.
- Early Start Standardized Information Packet - English
- Early Start Standardized Information Packet - Arabic
- Early Start Standardized Information Packet - Hmong
- Early Start Standardized Information Packet - Persian
- Early Start Standardized Information Packet - Russian
- Hmong
- Arabic
- Cantonese
- Farsi
- Persian
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Making it Happen
Applicant Information
Thank you for contacting Alta California Regional Center. You have most likely applied for services from our organization because you, your son, daughter, or other relative has shown some developmental delays. Or perhaps you or your child’s doctor or school has suggested that we might be helpful. No matter how you found us, we are pleased to get to know you and your family.
We’ve prepared this booklet, Making it Happen, to let you know what to expect during the application process – and to give you an idea of how long it might take.
A Client’s Guide to My Individual Program Plan
An Individual Program Plan, or IPP as it is often called, is a plan for the client’s future. It tells people about who the client is and what they want to do. It describes the client’s strengths including things they can do. It includes hopes and dreams for their future. It also talks about the supports the client need to reach their goals. The Service Coordinator from Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) will help the client make their IPP.
Family Guide to Children’s Services
Welcome to Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) Children’s Services. ACRC values the opportunity to serve your family. To help you understand our work together, A Family Guide to Children's Services has been developed as a resource to explain who we are, some of our services, and provides contact information. This information may be helpful at different times of your child’s development so plan to keep this guide somewhere handy to review and help you to access services more effectively; now and in the future.
Department of Developmental Services Publications
There is an English and Spanish translation of the Lanterman Act available on the Department of Developmental Services website. The Lanterman Act is an important law that’s been in effect since 1969 in California that outlines and protects the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act
A Consumer's Guide to the Lanterman Act
Conservatorship is a legal process that gives one person the power to make decisions for another person who is unable to make decisions for their-self. The person who obtains the right to make decisions is the conservator and the person whose rights are taken away is the conservatee or is said to be conserved. This is a legal process in which a judge makes the decision about whether or not the person needs to be conserved.
Client Emergency ID Cards
ACRC Client Emergency ID Cards can be printed and carried by individuals served by Alta California Regional Center to be shown to emergency providers and/or law enforcement in the event of an emergency.