Parental Fee Program (PFP)


In 1989, the State of California implemented the Parental Fee Program.  It requires that parents of children under the age of 18 who live outside of the family home shall be assessed for a parental fee based on their ability to pay as determined by an income assessment completed by the State Department of Developmental Services.

Who Is Required to Participate?

The Parental Fee Program only applies to families that meet the following criteria:

  1. Your child is under 18 years of age.
  2. Your child receives 24-hour out-of-home care services through a regional center or as a resident of a state hospital.

How Is The Parental Fee Determined?

The Parental Fee is determined by the Department of Developmental Services.  Families with incomes at or below the Federal Poverty Level will not be liable for Parental Fee.  Fees are scaled to the gross annual family income, the number of persons dependent on the income and the age of the child in placement.

How Will Family Pay the Parental Fee?

Once a Parental Fee has been assessed by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) the fee will be paid to the State Treasury.  The DDS will instruct each family as to the amount and the due date of the payment. The regional center does not receive the payment.

How Does ACRC Implement the Parental Fee Program?

The law creating the Parental Fee Program (PFP) charges the regional center with informing families of the PFP program and notifying the DDS when a child goes into an out-of-home placement.

Additional Resources

  • Additional Information as well as implementation tools are available on the DDS website