Request for Proposals


Current Requests for Proposals (RFP):

Community Placement Plan and Community Resource Development Plan RFP. The 2023-2024 RFP Orientation on February 23, 2024 discusses this information. At this time, Alta California Regional Center is only looking for proposals for out of home respite and out patient substance use disorder treatment projects.

During the 2021-2022 fiscal year ACRC has completed reviews of client service needs that had been identified as being impacted by either limited resource availability or lack of accessible service options within a community.

Through review of information made available through the Individual Program Planning process ACRC CSS is able to identify priority areas for resource development.

Request for Proposal (RFP) Target Objectives:

  • Targeted resource development
  • Expedited vendorization
  • Improved responsiveness to unmet service needs
  • Greater alignment of vendor development and ACRC client planning team identified service need

Psychologists for Evaluations

Request for Proposal

Alta California Regional Center (ACRC) is currently recruiting licensed psychologists to provide psychological evaluations to existing clients and applicants for eligibility determination purposes. Vendored psychologists of ACRC complete evaluations with children and/or adults to consider diagnoses of intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as part of the ACRC eligibility process. In addition to standardized measures, evaluations include a review of records, obtaining pertinent history, and a consideration of differential diagnoses.


Coordinated Family Support Services Request for Proposal

Request for Proposal
Project Type: Coordinated Family Support Services (CFS)  

Description of Project: 

CFS providers will coordinate and provide items identified below for adults who reside in the family home. CFS shall be tailored to the unique needs of the consumer and their family and provided in a manner that respects their language and culture.  It shall be primarily provided in a person’s home.  CFS may include, but is not limited to: